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Philosophical Café

Utsnitt av blått krus Philosophical Cafe

Philosophical Cafe is a time and place where all kinds of groups may converse around philosophical themes, and where it is important to vent views that want always be vented in other situations

Different versions of Philosophical Cafe
  • Classical Philosophical Cafe
  • Philosophical Cafe with a tailor-made implementation
  • Philosophical Cafe with the theme defined in advance.
  • Philosophical Cafe for smaller groups
  • Philosophical Cafe for companies and organisations
What is a philosophical Cafe ?
With a philosopher as "animator" the participants converse in plenum, with a chosen focus / theme. The participants discuss and converse, raise questions, talk, comment and what not, guided by the philosopher. And the philosopher will mediate, stage or provoke, whatever, to steer and animate the conversation. In addition the philosopher will raise important points to a universal level, and thus show the philosophical in what is being said. The philosopher may also ask for arguments for a particular view.

The goal is to let as many as possible converse across the table, and also let the participants move through their chosen theme in something we perhaps could call a poly-logue. The aim, then, is not to win a discussion, but rather to talk together, e.g.. not discuss to win, but converse to reach a common goal of philosophical understanding of the particular theme.

One will rarely reach a final answer to a particular question, and the discussion may or may not end aporetical - but always, as it is, with important insight into the questions, both for the philosopher and for the participants.

In an open Philosophical Cafe one will normally chose today's theme on the spot.

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